Why Mums Can't Be Too Busy to Exercise

 Is motherhood the most demanding job in the world?   Probably, yes 😊

But does that give mums an excuse to not look after their bodies and wellbeing?  The short answer is no.  It just means they need to be a bit more creative about it and re-adjust both their habits and their expectations.

Being a mum requires juggling multiple responsibilities, such as taking care of the kids and family, managing a household and for most mums, also holding down a job outside of the home.

Amidst these responsibilities, it can be easy for mums to neglect their own health and well-being, including regular exercise. However, it is crucial for mothers to prioritise their physical health, not just for their own benefit, but for their family's benefit as well.

Regular exercise offers a myriad of benefits to mothers, including improved mental health, increased energy, and reduced stress.  This improved mood can help mothers feel better equipped cognitively to balance the many daily demands of their family, work and other time commitments.

By taking care of their bodies, women are much better equipped to manage the physical demands of ‘the job’, such as lifting and carrying children(or grandchildren), running errands and completing household chores.    

The other reason you need to be regularly exercising

When mums prioritise their physical health, they are setting an example for their kids and family, promoting healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Children learn by example, and when they see their mother prioritise their fitness and their commitment to themselves, they are more likely to develop a positive attitude towards physical activity and make it a part of their own routine for life. And they start to respect mum’s time a bit more too.

What does exercise look like in a busy mum’s world.

No one questions that a challenge it is for mums to fit in exercise amidst their many responsibilities. The reality is that exercise will look very different for many mums compared to the days before kids when they could head to fitness classes 3 or more times a week. And that’s OK. Even short sessions of physical activity can make a significant difference in their physical and mental well-being. A brisk walk is always going to be a much more effective method of stress release than a glass of wine. Rather than taking away from family time, mums can include their kids in the activity and enjoy some quality time with them.

Mums can incorporate exercise into their daily routines by playing games or taking walks with their kids, or making it social and combining a fitness activity with a weekly catch up for coffee with a girlfriend. They can do quick at-home or online workouts with just a few minutes and a yoga mat at their disposal.  In teaching the family to respect her ‘me time’, mum can show that she is not available for other ‘jobs’ when she is booked in for her regular fitness class/es.

In summary, by prioritising their own wellbeing through regular exercise, mums can set an example for their children and family. Despite the challenging demands of motherhood, even small amounts of physical activity can have a significant impact on their overall health and happiness. By making exercise a priority, mothers can better care for themselves and their families, leading to a more fulfilling and rewarding life for the whole family.

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